Tuesday, June 23, 2015

H1Z1 Day/Night Chart Prototype

I've been studying the Day/Night cycle in H1Z1. My work can be seen on the official wiki's World page.

Knowing the length of the Day and Night I've tried my hand at creating a chart that shows each normal day when Day and Night happen in H1Z1. As far as I'm aware all of the survival servers are always at the same time of day, though I still need to study this further to confirm.

Anyway, here is what I have come up with so far. A table showing my predicted day and night times from today until August 12th.


All the times are in Greenwich mean time, so you'll need to find your GMT offset and do some math, the Eastern U.S. time zone is currently -4 hours, Central -5, Mountain -6 and Pacific -7. meaning if that chart says 12 noon for people in the Eastern time zone it would be 8am, Central would be 7am and so on.

Also, the time I used was the official time gleaned by making sure my computer's clock was synced up with NIST before I tested it. So if the seconds are a bit off for you make sure your computer's clock is synced.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Running Speed in H1Z1

I'm going to expand on this by teating different modes of travel. Just haven't gotten to it yet.

All measurments are done in H1Z1 Units Per Second (UPS) A unit is what you see when you do /loc so if something travels 10 UPS that means it could go from X 1000 to X 1010 in one second.

My methodology for testing this was to find an area of the map where there were no obstructions and run from one grid square to the next while timing myself. I ran twice for each one to make sure it wasn't a fluke and averaged the times.

The times for each set of footwear were

Sneakers: 2:06
Workboots: 2:16
Barefoot: 2:24

I also by accident tested Sneakers with the Well Rested buff.

Sneakers with Well Rested: 1:52

So, given that each grid in H1Z1 is 775 units by 775 units I found that the UPS for each set of footwear were

Sneakers: 6.15 UPS +%7.5 (+%12.5)
Workboots: 5.69 UPS +%5
Barefoot: 5.38 UPS

So workboots make you travel %5 faster than barefoot and Sneakers make you travel %7.5 faster than workboots (or %12.5 faster than barefoot)

The Well Rested buff gives you an %11 increase in speed with sneakers (I still have to test it with other footwear)

Sneakers with Well Rested 6.92 UPS (+%11)

The time to cross the entire map (7,750 Units) for each mode, assuming no obstacles and unlimited stamina is

Sneakers with Well Rested: 18:40
Sneakers: 21:00
Workboots: 22:42
Barefoot: 24:00

Navigating Without a Compass in H1Z1

If you find yourself lost and without a compass here's how to tell the direction. There are two methods.

The first is using the Heading indicator that results from typing in the /loc command.

The 4 cardinal point values are
North 1.5
East 0
South -1.5
West 3 (Sometimes West will show as -3, it's the same thing)

Here's a compass image I made to illustrate.

And finally here's a map i made showing the coordinates for all the grid squares.


The second way to navigate without a compass in H1Z1 is by using celestial navigation (i.e. using the sun and the moon)

If the Sun or moon is rising the direction it's in is generally East, if they're setting it's generally West and if it's doing neither that direction is South.

The best way I've found to determine whether the body is rising or falling is to aim your white target dot at the bottom of it and wait a few seconds.

H1Z1 is based in the United States and therefore in the Northern Hemisphere which means the Sun will always appear in the Southern half of the sky. At midday the Sun will point directly South.

As an added area of interest a day in H1Z1 is 1h 12m 2s long, the day portion (for these purposes day is defined as the moment the Sun first peaks over the Eastern horizon until it fully sets behind the Western horizon) is 42m 37s and night is 29m 25s